In 2012 I left a position as an Assistant Professor in Mathematics at the University of Colorado giving in to a longstanding interest in information technology. Since then I have been working as a software engineer and data scientist, developing into the tech lead of the team that has been developing the realtime streaming engine at KPN. I am interested in a position with a great team solving challenging practical problems.


I have used all standard platforms (Windows, OS X, and Linux) for extended periods of time; for the last years I have mostly been on OS X. I have used different development environments (e.g. Microsoft Visual Studio, Intellij, Eclipse, RStudio, and vim/emacs with different plugins) for extended periods of time; for the last years I have been using mostly the Intellij, RStudio, and Emacs environments.

I have developed using many different languages. Quite a few languages for small projects, for instance MIX (the language Knuth uses in The art of computer programming) in which I implemented Thompson NFA for regular expressions, i86 assembler for some data structures, and ML for some theorem proving. For website development html, css, php, and javascript. C++, Python and java for learning these languages a bit and playing with different technologies. C++ with SQL and web languages while I was at CoachR. Lots of Clojure (using Cascalog for Hadoop jobs) and R at Adgoji, doing analysis of big data (near a TB a day to permanent storage and many thousands of events a second). And currently Scala for flink jobs, java for our custom components, and python and bash scripting for management of the cluster.


May 2022–current: Principal Engineer, Ditigal Engine Platform, KPN, Amsterdam.

Apr 2020–May 2022: Software Engineer, Digital Engine Platform, KPN, Amsterdam.

Jan 2019–Apr 2020: Security Engineer, Technium Security Team, KPN, Amsterdam.

Oct 2015–Jan 2019: Data Scientist, KPN, Amsterdam.

Feb 2014–Sep 2015: Sr. Data Scientist, AdGoji, Amsterdam.

Feb 2013 – Feb 2014: Data Scientist, AdGoji, Amsterdam.

May 2012 – Jan 2013: Software Developer, CoachR Development, Dodewaard.

Jun 2009– Jun 2012: Assistant Professor, University of Colorado, Boulder.

Sept 2006– May 2009: Van Vleck Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Jan 2006 – May 2006: Graduate Student Instructor, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

2005: Visiting Scholar, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China.

Aug 2000 – Dec 2004: Graduate Student Instructor, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.


2000–2006: University of Michigan, Mathematics, PhD.

1999: Mathematical Research Institute, Master Class in Mathematical Logic (with honors).

1995–2000: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Mathematics, MSc (with honors).
